Friday, February 5, 2010


I am very interested in Forgiveness. I believe it is the highest example of love and the meaning of life - not to mention God's incredible, merciful, and elegant response to the problem of pain. Learning to forgive another person and yourself in the face of injustice is perfectly sublime.

A story of forgiveness always come to my mind when I contemplate this topic - I am sure most people remember it - when the Amish community in PA choose to be a witness to the world by forgiving one of their own people for a mass shooting in one of their towns. I get chills thinking about it - God made it possible - His mercy made it possible to sew up the chaism of pain caused by the Fall through a monumental action - the highest example of charity - forgiveness. Because Jesus forgives us, we now know how to forgive others, in the face of a world that is terribly unjust.

I would love to hear any stories of forgiveness that you would like to share.

How can we learn to forgive radically?

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