Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Radically moderate

Its my answer to fundamentalism. I am tired of the drama and hype of the FOX News version of life, swinging from one extreme to another. I have decided to become radically (boldly meek and passively upfront) moderate (middle-ground, reasonable, french vanilla; strong, yet plain).

No drama, please! I will take the middle road - thank you!


  1. Boldly meek - I like that. As long as I don't get TOO radical in the center. Kind of like Zen - Yeah, the "now" is great, but I don't want to be a fundamentalist about it. ;)

  2. Interesting, I am starting to think the now is everything meaningful. I am reading a great book by Richard Rohr - "The Naked Now" - you might want to check it out.

    I am still laughing about your Fundamentalist reference :)
