Tuesday, May 18, 2010


Recently, I had a discussion with an acquaintance, about opinions and judgments. It is my theory that we set forth our opinions in order to provide ourselves with the illusion of controlling our environment. The person that I was talking with challenged me on several different points - he asserted that 1) truth, opinions and judgments are all different - truth or instruction is good, opinions are useless, and judgments are bad. 2) God calls us to instruct others without judgment. 3). If we are unwilling to instruct others we are either ignorant or ashamed of the gospel. And finally, he stated that Christians are judged more than most groups because of the media.

Now, I was really intrigued because I think that God calls us to love, without judgment - before we ever consider instructing people how to live. Also, I think all terms mean the same thing, opinion - the truth maybe absolute, but we can only share our opinion about it. I also believe the media tries to exploit all minority groups with strong opinions. Christians are often singled out because we are so uncomfortable talking about such an intimate relationship with God that we end up sounding defensive and judgmental, when in fact, we are simply passionate.

When I mentioned that I gave up sharing my opinion for Lent last year because I thought it was unnecessary and I was sick of hearing myself asserting control over people and situations, I think I lost him completely


  1. Good points. When we cannot even see that what we think is Truth is actually our own mental perception of it, aren't we even more deluded than those with some uncertainty? Without knowing the distinction between mental perceptions and the supposed thing perceived, we grope in a measure of darkness. Yet, the mental formations and things perceived are interrelated.

    For that person, I would be concerned about the trap of being caught in the opinion of "no opinions"...as well as mistaking opinions for absolute Truth.

    With words we merely graze the surface of truth, yet without them how can we point to the very thing we long for?

    Sometimes it's nice to simply enjoy the experience reality, but sharing is so integral to being social beings...

  2. That is deep, brother!

    It is amazing that any of us share reality to the degree we do everyday.
